The main question asked of a Spiritualistic Medium is "what do I do to become a medium?”.

Group 'training' is also available at most churches, watch out for the advertisement of an an open circle at your nearest Spiritualist Church.

Some mediums will find the time to organise a wekkly or fortnightly development course.

I usually wait until Spirit decide and bring forward one or two people who are in need of 'training' their sensitivity or gift that has shown itself, just as it did to me years ago. 

My training s old fashioned, it requires a person to show a level of commitment and results vary accordingingly.

If you have the time and the commitment then enquire by text,. The results are worth it. 


There is no easy way or short cuts on  my training courses, however, there are times when i have to refuse to the request of a would be trainee.


Most S. N. U. Churches have their own Team of Training Mentors.


Psychic awareness in many aspects can be developed into mediumship, however the same work ethics apply.

Other valuable teachings are:

Meditation - how meditation balances the energies in your body, the result can be amazing.




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